Market Fee

The APMC Market Fee is a controversial issue in India. Some people argue that the fee is too high and that it puts an undue burden on farmers. Others argue that the fee is necessary to fund the activities of the APMC and that it helps to ensure the fair and efficient marketing of agricultural produce.



Market Users Charges

The APMC Market Users Charges is a controversial issue in India. Some people argue that the fee is too high and that it puts an undue burden on farmers. Others argue that the Users Charges is necessary to fund the activities of the APMC and that it helps to ensure the fair and efficient marketing of agricultural produce.



Licence Fees

# Type Rate
1 યુનીફાઇડ લાઇસન્સ ( સંયુક્ત વર્ગ ) 200

Details of Commission Charges

Grain Vegetables
Commission per 100 Rs. 4 4

Weight Charges

Grain Vegetables
Up to 50 Kg. 1 1
Above 50 Kg. 2 1

Hamali (Labour) Charges

Grain Vegetables
Up to 50 Kg. 1 1
Above 50 Kg. 1 1